#TreeTalkThursday - Gray Birch

Betula populifolia know as the Gray Birch. It is distinguished by its dull white bark that is not papery or peeling. The bark becomes rough and more gray as it ages. The leaves are 2-3" in length with a long pointed tip, making it triangular. The leaves turn a pale yellow in the fall. The tree bears a cylindrical fruit with coneline clusters that are densely hairy. These tree are common to the New England area.

Fun fact: Gray Birch can grow in barren or polluted areas where many trees would not survive. Examples would be areas of mining spoils, dredging, or excavations. It acts as a soil stabilizer so that other species can begin to grow.

Posted: to Nartowicz TreeTalk Posts on Thu, Sep 7, 2017
Updated: Thu, Sep 14, 2017